[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] Release 6.1

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Wed Sep 27 23:27:40 EEST 2023

Michael Niedermayer (12023-09-27):
> With SDR they do ask for a seperate library.

And they are being dishonest in that. Nothing successful starts as a
library, they start small and grow, and get turned into libraries once
multiple projects can use them.

Demanding you make a separate library and a separate project is a
hypocritical ploy to have you spend your time on boring things like
build system and packaging, so that you lose interest in SDR and go back
to doing useful things for them, like fixing fuzzing bugs and
backporting the fixes.

>						maybe we can organize the
> existing code to make everyone happy.

You will NOT make everyone happy. Some people here have made absolutely
clear they will never be happy with your SDR code and will not rest
until they have killed it.

Acknowledge it: if you cannot make them happy, do not waste effort
trying, just accept you will be making them unhappy as unavoidable, and
make the rest of us — developers who would like to have fun with FFmpeg
again and users who would like to use the code — very happy.


  Nicolas George
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