[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] Bump minimum required version of Android to 5.0
Tomas Härdin
git at haerdin.se
Thu Apr 11 16:17:33 EEST 2024
tor 2024-04-11 klockan 20:16 +0800 skrev Zhao Zhili:
> We don’t have a minimum required version of Android in FFmpeg.
> libavdevice/android_camera requires Android 7, Java MediaCodec
> requires Android 4.1, and NDK MediaCodec requires Android 5.0.
> Without an explicit version, it’s unclear for development and test.
> Android 5.0 is released in 2014, is it OK to bump the minimum
> required
> version to Android 5.0, or any other version you prefer?
Don't we already have stuff that detects the Android version and acts
accordingly? Dropping 4.1 might lessen the maintenance burden though.
I have an old phone (Samsung Galaxy S5) running the most recent
LineageOS possible to install on it (16.0), and that uses Android 9. So
for me bumping to version 5 sounds fine.
Do you have any statistics on Android versions actually in use?
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