[FFmpeg-devel] Fwd: Your message to ffmpeg-devel awaits moderator approval

compn ff at hawaiiantel.net
Fri Dec 20 08:06:01 EET 2024

On Fri, 20 Dec 2024 06:24:46 +0100, Anton Khirnov wrote:

> Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2024-12-19 20:52:39)
> > This was a brave decission and IMO it was the correct decission.
> > You saw people fighting, and you stepped between them to stop it.  
> So what we have here is a server admin approving and encouraging his
> buddy to perform arbitrary censorship with no oversight. Said buddy was
> granted moderator privileges for no reason anyone can articulate, sees
> no difference between acting as a moderator and acting as a private
> person, recently resurfaced after 6+ years of complete absence, and yet
> apparently feels entirely at liberty to censor whatever he wants.
> I really hope that makes it clear to everyone why there needs to be a
> proper process for access to infrastructure, and "just leave everything
> to Michael" leads exactly to the situation we have now, and all the
> similar situations we've had in the past.
> No, Michael, it's not "unfriendly people". It's you. It's always been
> you. Other projects do not have these problems at such a regular basis.
>Anton Khirnov

the CC allows personal attacks to continue like this?


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