[FFmpeg-devel] Fwd: Your message to ffmpeg-devel awaits moderator approval

Michael Niedermayer michael at niedermayer.cc
Tue Dec 24 18:46:05 EET 2024

Hi Anton

On Tue, Dec 24, 2024 at 06:24:40AM +0100, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2024-12-23 21:37:32)
> > If i stand by and do nothing, THAT would be abusing of my power
> Behold, the favorite excuse of every tin-pot dictator ever.
> So boiling down your verbal vomit, I get
>     Yes, your democracy IS just pretend and I - the person who
>     * tries very very hard to avoid as much human contact as possible
>     * oversaw one of the most toxic FOSS communities for close
>       to 25 years
>     * through heavy-handed authoritarianism directly caused one of the
>       most notorious forks in FOSS history
>     really do know better than everyone else how to run a community.
> To that I say:
> * you are delusional, as you are the source or enabler of all the
>   toxicity
> * Libav had NONE of these problems (not saying it was perfect - it did
>   have other problems, but not these)
> * there is no hope for this project as long as you continue to hold the
>   reins and I've wasted enough of my life on it.

If the democracy is just pretend, then above all, you certainly will
agree that my SDR code would have been pushed to git master.
It was not.

So far, we have 1 thread that was moderated for a few hours by one moderator (not even me)

And one (or more) thread(s) that was/where moderated by the democratically
elected community commitee, which was elected by an election overseen by you.

FFmpeg was and is led by the community. (since a long time btw and noone suggested that to change)

FFmpeg was and has a technical commitee for technical disagreements

FFmpeg has a problem with the tone on some of the recent mail threads. The
democratically elected community commitee has tried to improve this.
That did not entirely work. So i intended to help. Which now results in
people to accuse me of close to everything imaginable including
things that where shown false already.

This results in huge amounts of time in a back and forth of accusations and
argumentation, time that could be spend on FFmpeg development.

That simply does not belong on the FFmpeg development mailing list.

We can do a vote on a simple.
Is arguing/commenting about people ok on ffmpeg communication channels?
* yes
* no

Such a vote seems redundant. But if you want? We can do it, to have a fully
democratic foundation here.

thx and merry christmess

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Concerning the gods, I have no means of knowing whether they exist or not
or of what sort they may be, because of the obscurity of the subject, and
the brevity of human life -- Protagoras
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