[FFmpeg-devel] FFmpeg governance and accusations

Ali KIZIL alikizil at gmail.com
Mon Dec 30 20:37:47 EET 2024

> Michael Niedermayer (12024-12-30):
> > After months of public harassment and accusations
> > it appears the attacks against me shift to private mail.
> >
> > Iam not sure how to handle this to be honest,
> > It must from the outside look like these mails here and there are a minor
> > thing, but really this is grinding my nerves down, my ability to do
> usefull work is
> > like cut down to a quarter maybe. Everything takes so much more time
> > in this hostile environment.
> >
> > But in an attempt to remove the grand prize and motive behind this.
> > I will never give any power related to FFmpeg to people who continue with
> > attacks/harrassment/accusations.
> > (more clearly, any future democratication will exclude them permanently
> for all times)
> >
> > Also the text quoted from me from years ago saying i would
> > support passing power on, has expired now, the community back then also
> is not
> > the GA now.
> >
> > We today really are much farther away from democratication than back
> then.
> > Theres a bigger divide between people, less tolerance. This has to
> change first
> >
> > also about democratication, its not possible with the GA/CC as it is
> currrently.
> > ATM 3 of 5 seats in the CC are filled by executives or employees of
> FFlabs.
> > That would make FFmpeg a subsidiery of FFlabs and has nothing to do with
> democracy
> > (this could actually give less power to the community than it has now)
> >
> > Not to mention that the CC is judge, jury and executioner while
> pretending
> > to be democratic.
> For what it is worth, you have my full support on this, and sympathy for
> the harassment you have been subjected to.
> I slowly realized democracy on a project such as FFmpeg is a path
> towards immobilism and irrelevance. And in our case, it is worsened
> because some people have borrowed their definition from Erdoğan, “like a
> tram, you ride it until you arrive at your destination, then you step
> off”.
> Regards,
> --
>   Nicolas George
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Regarding the mention of Erdoğan's statement, I believe it should be
interpreted within the context of the challenging circumstances of its
time, such as military and internal coup attempts or the turbulence caused
by the Arab Spring. These events often necessitated pragmatic approaches to
ensure stability and progress.

While it may seem controversial, I find this explanation reasonable given
the difficult geopolitical and domestic conditions that shaped such

I have been following Michael Niedermayer's work for years as an FFmpeg
fan. It would be right to evaluate the words spoken in the context of that
day rather than today's moment.

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