[FFmpeg-devel] Pausing the heated discussions

Alexander Strasser eclipse7 at gmx.net
Tue Dec 31 20:40:36 EET 2024

Hi all!

I'm unhappy with what ensued here on the FFmpeg development mailing
list; especially in the recent months.

With the current culminations, and the stress and influx of mails
it caused for all subscribers espescially in this for many of us
rather busy time of the family year, I would like to see a pause
of all personal attacks and project political mails until at least
2025-01-15 UTC.

Of course I would ideally like to see no more personal attacks in
the future, but that hasn't worked out so far, so I expect at least
some outliers will unfortunately turn up once discussions start

I hope for collaboration from you all and support of the newly
elected Community Committee (CC).

Wish all of you a happy new year (later or now for all of you
that are already in 2025)!

Best regards,

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