[FFmpeg-devel] GA changes

Michael Niedermayer michael at niedermayer.cc
Sun Feb 4 00:21:53 EET 2024

Hi all

before doing the vote about the STF/SPI id like to document that the GA
changed according to our script this way:
(I presume this must have happened on january 1st and we should probably
 do a vote about adding the removed people as extra members, but there
 is not enough time before teh STF deadline)

-Andriy Gelman
-Carl Eugen Hoyos
+Logan Lyu

(Theres also a wrong (@ffmpeg.org)  address appearing for wenbin chen,
 i will continue to use the correct one, thats clearly a bug)

(I will also update the ga ffmpeg.org alias)

PS: Iam ccing the 2 removed people so they understand why they will not
receive a vote mail in the next vote(s)

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Homeopathy is like voting while filling the ballot out with transparent ink.
Sometimes the outcome one wanted occurs. Rarely its worse than filling out
a ballot properly.
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