[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 9/9] doc/filters: Add documentation for AMF filters

Dmitrii Ovchinnikov ovchinnikov.dmitrii at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 03:55:15 EET 2024

From: Evgeny Pavlov <lucenticus at gmail.com>

Signed-off-by: Evgeny Pavlov <lucenticus at gmail.com>
 doc/filters.texi | 238 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 238 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/filters.texi b/doc/filters.texi
index e0436a5755..4c5b9c1f63 100644
--- a/doc/filters.texi
+++ b/doc/filters.texi
@@ -21330,6 +21330,244 @@ If the specified expression is not valid, it is kept at its current
 @end table
+ at anchor{scale_amf}
+ at section scale_amf
+Scale (resize) and convert colorspace, transfer characteristics or color primaries for the input video, using AMD Advanced Media Framework library for hardware acceleration.
+Setting the output width and height works in the same way as for the @ref{scale} filter.
+The filter accepts the following options:
+ at table @option
+ at item w
+ at item h
+Set the output video dimension expression. Default value is the input dimension.
+Allows for the same expressions as the @ref{scale} filter.
+ at item scale_type
+Sets the algorithm used for scaling:
+ at table @var
+ at item bilinear
+This is the default.
+ at item bicubic
+ at end table
+ at item format
+Controls the output pixel format. By default, or if none is specified, the input
+pixel format is used.
+ at item force_original_aspect_ratio
+ at item force_divisible_by
+Work the same as the identical @ref{scale} filter options.
+ at anchor{color_profile}
+ at item color_profile
+Specify all color properties at once.
+The accepted values are:
+ at table @samp
+ at item bt601
+ at item bt709
+ at item bt2020
+ at end table
+ at anchor{trc}
+ at item trc
+Specify output transfer characteristics.
+The accepted values are:
+ at table @samp
+ at item bt709
+ at item gamma22
+Constant gamma of 2.2
+ at item gamma28
+Constant gamma of 2.8
+ at item smpte170m
+ at item smpte240m
+ at item linear
+ at item log
+ at item log-sqrt
+ at item iec61966-2-4
+ at item bt1361-ecg
+ at item iec61966-2-1
+ at item bt2020-10
+BT.2020 for 10-bits content
+ at item bt2020-12
+BT.2020 for 12-bits content
+ at item smpte2084
+ at item smpte428
+ at item arib-std-b67
+ at end table
+ at anchor{primaries}
+ at item primaries
+Specify output color primaries.
+The accepted values are:
+ at table @samp
+ at item bt709
+ at item bt470m
+ at item bt470bg
+BT.470BG or BT.601-6 625
+ at item smpte170m
+SMPTE-170M or BT.601-6 525
+ at item smpte240m
+ at item film
+ at item bt2020
+ at item smpte428
+ at item smpte431
+ at item smpte432
+ at item jedec-p22
+JEDEC P22 phosphors
+ at end table
+ at end table
+ at subsection Examples
+ at itemize
+ at item
+Scale input to 720p, keeping aspect ratio and ensuring the output is yuv420p.
+ at example
+ at end example
+ at item
+Upscale to 4K and change color profile to bt2020.
+ at example
+ at end example
+ at end itemize
+ at anchor{scale_amf_hq}
+ at section scale_amf_hq
+Upscale (size increasing) for the input video using AMD Advanced Media Framework library for hardware acceleration.
+Use advanced algorithms for upscaling with higher output quality.
+Setting the output width and height works in the same way as for the @ref{scale} filter.
+The filter accepts the following options:
+ at table @option
+ at item w
+ at item h
+Set the output video dimension expression. Default value is the input dimension.
+Allows for the same expressions as the @ref{scale} filter.
+ at item algorithm
+Sets the algorithm used for scaling:
+ at table @var
+ at item bilinear
+ at item bicubic
+ at item sr1-0
+Video SR1.0
+This is a default value
+ at item point
+ at item sr1-1
+Video SR1.1
+ at end table
+ at item sharpness
+Control hq scaler sharpening. The value is a float in the range of [0.0, 2.0]
+ at item format
+Controls the output pixel format. By default, or if none is specified, the input
+pixel format is used.
+ at item keep-ratio
+Force the scaler to keep the aspect ratio of the input image when the output size has a different aspect ratio.
+Default value is false.
+ at item fill
+Specifies whether the output image outside the region of interest,
+which does not fill the entire output surface should be filled with a solid color.
+ at end table
+ at subsection Examples
+ at itemize
+ at item
+Scale input to 720p, keeping aspect ratio and ensuring the output is yuv420p.
+ at example
+ at end example
+ at item
+Upscale to 4K with algorithm video SR1.1.
+ at example
+ at end example
+ at end itemize
 @section scale_cuda

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