[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] STF 2025

Thilo Borgmann thilo.borgmann at mail.de
Mon Jun 3 09:50:15 EEST 2024

Am 02.06.24 um 22:14 schrieb Tomas Härdin:
> sön 2024-06-02 klockan 20:01 +0200 skrev Michael Niedermayer:
>> Hi
>> On Sat, Jun 01, 2024 at 05:19:26PM +0200, Tomas Härdin wrote:
>> [...]
>>>> * Fund professional real live presence on multimedia / FOSS /
>>>> buisness related
>>>>    events.
>>> Also reasonable. I could help man a booth at IBC or any other event
>>> in
>>> Europe
>> Iam strongly in favor of that! Though i have no idea about cost (for
>> IBC)
>> which probably requires someone to sponsor a booth if its not free.
>> Or any details. But i think its probably best if you mail thilo as he
>> was helping with FFmpeg presence on many european booths
> Attending is free, so I expect booths cost quite a bit to make up the
> costs. There's an inquiry form on the IBC website. Can't hurt to ask
> Hotels aren't cheap as Rémi points out. Last time I attended IBC we had
> to get a hotel in Harlem. Luckily I know some people in Amsterdam

We have a booth on IBC this year which again gets sponsored so no costs for FFmpeg.
Some details are still unclear which is why it's not yet announced.

@Thomas: Happy you want to attend, I'll keep you updated.


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