[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] What to do with 15k euro from STF?

Martin Storsjö martin at martin.st
Tue Nov 12 09:51:25 EET 2024

On Tue, 12 Nov 2024, martin schitter wrote:

> The git history of Patches here on this mailinglist are usually rewritten 
> whenever one of the reviewers requests some change, but the typical workflow 
> in github/gitlab doesn't use or even forbids this kind of changes in uploaded 
> code resp. forced pushes. It's enforcing a strict incremental timeline of 
> changes.

This is entirely up to the policy of each individual project; it's totally 
possible to use the exact same workflow with rewriting and force pushing 
the PR/MR branch, with both github and gitlab. Gitlab is usually a bit 
better at tracking review state across such events than github though. 
Anyway, this is how all such reviews are conducted on e.g. the videolan 

// Martin

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