[FFmpeg-devel] root access voting

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Wed Nov 13 09:06:13 EET 2024

Le 13 novembre 2024 00:51:23 GMT+02:00, compn <ff at hawaiiantel.net> a écrit :
>> That is a major red flag, very similar to what you yourself claimed
>> as motivation to reject Josh - precarious employment situation.
>are you talking about the same Josh who asked not to have their photo
>taken during vdd?
>you want a root admin who doesnt tell what their profession is,

Straw man.

And also completely false insinuation, since we know, especially Michael, that Josh is affiliated with FFlabs.

> and have
>no way of verifying who they are via photograph?

More straw man. What does that have to do with anything?

Also very hypocritical considering that Michael refuses to come to meetings, where we could at least see him, forget taking photos...

> And who says they
>"worked on embedded devices across ... military sectors" (on the about
>page of their website)?

So what? And how do you know that the other admins haven't done the same or, by whatever subjective metric, worse?

Double standards much.

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