[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Update MAINTAINERS

Marton Balint cus at passwd.hu
Fri Nov 22 13:09:19 EET 2024

On Thu, 21 Nov 2024, Vittorio Giovara wrote:

> I feel nobody, with some exceptions, really wants to be listed here, and
> this file is just an artefact that gets cargo culted because it's how
> things have been run and nothing can ever change in ffmpeg.

I disagree. It is useful to know who cares/knows about some part of 
code/technology, also by the file being in the source tree changes can 
have proper discussions. It is also functions as the list of people having 
commit access.

You might argue what responsibilites and rights a maintainer has other 
than commit rights. But it seems to me you want to avoid that discussion 
by deleting the file entirely.


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