[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] libpostproc splitout

Jean-Baptiste Kempf jb at videolan.org
Tue Nov 26 15:52:41 EET 2024

On Tue, 26 Nov 2024, at 14:49, Nicolas George wrote:
> Jean-Baptiste Kempf (12024-11-26):
>> This is what managing an open source project is about, or if you prefer, open source governance.
>> We understand you don't like open source project management.
> FFmpeg is Libre Software, not Open Source.

Open Source encompasses Libre Software for years, and is a superset.

> The fact that you try to manage it as Open Source might explain why the
> result is such a mess.

But, to answer to your point, Governance for Libre Software and Open Source is exactly the same.
The fact that you want to ignore all Governance advice is why the result is such a mess.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf -  President
+33 672 704 734

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