[FFmpeg-devel] GSoC Mentor Summit Reimbursement Request

Frank Plowman post at frankplowman.com
Thu Oct 10 21:29:32 EEST 2024


I would like to request reimbursement for the following expenses
incurred attending the Google Summer of Code mentor summit.

Description                                                   |  Amount
Train home to London Heathrow                                 |  £13.30
Return flight London Heathrow to San Francisco International  | £458.89
Taxi San Francisco International to hotel                     |  £55.65
Train London Heathrow to home                                 |  £13.30
Total                                                         | £541.14

I got a taxi from SFO to the hotel as public transport would have taken
~3x as long and I arrived on the day of the first activities.

I understand Google will give FFmpeg $1000 (£766.44 as of writing) to
cover these travel expenses, so my trip should be net positive to the
coffers overall.


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