[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 1/2] doc/developer: add examples to clarify code style

martin schitter ms+git at mur.at
Sat Sep 14 01:12:37 EEST 2024

These a very helpful instructive examples.

Nevertheless, I would highly prefer a preconfigured `make fmt` command, 
which works similar to `cargo fmt` or `deno fmt` and corrects and checks 
formating issues without any human intervention. That's IMHO more 
productive than constantly work against the default behavior of ones 
beloved code editor or educative/social pressure to adapt to a project 
specific kind of cosmetic code modification.


On 18.05.24 19:00, Marvin Scholz wrote:
> Given the frequency that new developers, myself included, get the
> code style wrong, it is useful to add some examples to clarify how
> things should be done.

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