[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avcodec/videotoolbox: add AV1 hardware acceleration

Martin Storsjö martin at martin.st
Wed Sep 25 15:04:33 EEST 2024

On Wed, 25 Sep 2024, Martin Storsjö wrote:

> On Tue, 24 Sep 2024, Cameron Gutman wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 7:16 AM Martin Storsjö <martin at martin.st> wrote:
>>> I don't hit any issues with any AV1 samples that I have, I guess I don't
>>> have any samples with tile groups?
>>> Can you or someone else grab and share a small sample of a stream that
>>> fails to decode with this hwaccel, so we have a chance to debug it?
>> Sure, here's a raw AV1 bitstream sample that should exhibit the issue:
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rp_O6pedhBYhDWFRuBCGTG1tfpNvtgrR/view
> Thanks! I can indeed reproduce the issue with this sample.

FWIW, this whole bit feels like a bit of a mess; videotoolbox is 
inherently not an API at the same level as the other hwaccels that support 
AV1 - videotoolbox is just a full-packet decoder; if I hack it to bypass 
the whole start_frame/decode_slice infrastructure and just pass the whole 
input AVPacket into videotoolbox, it all just works, and we would have had 
this working ages ago already.

It's just that the hwaccel hooks get data fed via these 
decode_params/start_frame/decode_slice callbacks, and we'd need to 
essentially reassemble the complete input packet from that.

// Martin

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