[FFmpeg-devel] Captions SCC

Devlist Archive devlist at rlb.org
Fri Feb 7 18:05:08 EET 2025

My intent with starting this thread was to recruit at least one developer
to help make sure a solution is found.  It kind of got sent off topic to
the user space by some of the replies.  My current understanding is that
the tools used in the ffmpeg commands I was using are actually extracting
subtitles from the video rather than preserving all the captions data like
I thought they were intended to do.  I will take the discussion on the bug
like stuff over to TRAC, but I am still looking for a developer that thinks
they have the skills to implement functions that will preserve display
information in addition to the text.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but my
understanding is that those other lists are for help with user space
commands and bug issues (which is what this thread became) and not
development and trying to communicate with developers about specific
projects and patches.

So to pivot this thread back to its intended purpose, is there anyone in
addition to Soft Works that has an interest in captions filtering topics
and would like to be involved in discussing the specifics of a solution for
608/708 filtering, extraction, and embedding off list so that the required
code can be generated and submitted?


On Fri, Feb 7, 2025 at 7:39 AM Marth64 <marth64 at proxyid.net> wrote:

> Hi folks
> Zach (Devlist Archive):
> Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope a resolution comes out
> of it. I encourage you to write this email instead to the ffmpeg-user
> list (or possibly TRAC, our bug trucker), which is better suited for
> discussing issues like yours.
> Let us pivot this conversation there.
> Jack Lau:
> I know you mean well and are trying to help. LLM are useful tools, I
> would however recommend giving a heads up that the content was being
> generated so it does not spook people.
> Regarding your own patch, you may send a "Ping" note on your email if
> within a reasonable amount of time nobody has reviewed it (sometimes
> it takes several days, so 5-7 days is a reasonable time to ping).
> That said, I think this is thread off topic for the development list's
> core purpose.
> I suggest the above steps forward to get this through the right channels.
> Thank you!
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