[FFmpeg-devel] Democratization work in progress draft v2

Tomas Härdin git at haerdin.se
Wed Feb 12 16:09:55 EET 2025

ons 2025-02-12 klockan 12:49 +0100 skrev Nicolas George:
> Tomas Härdin (HE12025-02-12):
> > This is aristocracy, not democracy.
> Why do you believe democracy would be a good model for a Libre
> Software
> project?

The title of the thread includes the word "democratization"..

Plenty of free software projects operate on a BDFL principle and do not
bother claiming to be democratic. But that also implies a bus factor of
one. Such orgs are not stable in the long run.

If Michael is serious about democratizing the project then he should
actually do so.

> Why do you believe the opinion of people should matter
> irregardless of the quality and merit of their contribution to the
> project?

I never said such a thing. What I am saying is that you can't have it
both ways. Michael's fear of "takeover" is just the age-old critique of
democracy going at least as far back as Socrates. If you want my actual
opinion, I think that users should also have a say, not just


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