[FFmpeg-devel] Democratization

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Tue Jan 14 21:51:22 EET 2025

James Almer (12025-01-14):
> The GA is a list of currently active contributors

Please, let us avoid that simplistic mistake.

The GA is an attempt at an approximation of a list of active

Why 20 commits, not 19 or 21? Because it's round: arbitrary.

Why 36 months, not 35 or 37? Same, because it's round: arbitrary.

Why count cosmetic commits as much as complex ones? Because it's easier:

Why count commits and not help to users on the ML? Because it'd be hard:

There is no clean-cut limit between an active contributor and an
inactive one, there are just people who are more active than others and
an arbitrary cutoff at a convenient point.

So let us not pretend we believe the rules of the GA are sacred, or even
its principles.

These rules were chosen under the assumption that contributors would
vote for the good of the project itself, and that contributors who do
not care much would not vote much. These assumptions might have been
when most contributors were hobbyists, but people who seek a profit from
their contribution will vote for their own interest even if they barely

So let us acknowledge that the GA was a mistake, re-affirm that this is
a community project and that profit, if it happens, is only a side
effect and not the main goal. And once it has been made clear, once the
people who would pervert the project for their own gain have been
thoroughly de-fanged, we can consider which governance mode we want for
the long run.

  Nicolas George

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