[FFmpeg-devel] Democratization

Marth64 marth64 at proxyid.net
Tue Jan 21 06:29:32 EET 2025

Hi Michael,

> I do think the CC is a problematic entity in a community where there are
> complex friendships and hatred. And then the members of this CC come from this
> small group and mainly judge members of this same group

I am not from this group. I volunteered for the role to help the culture
of the community which is somewhat troubled. This is how I want to
make a difference.
I am not participating in any financial element in the role.

> IIRC you are a member of the CC, can you/the CC look into the IRC quote from
> "RadicalLeader" aka Paul

I will process how to respond and then reach out offline.

Thank you

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