[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v0] Implement promeg decoder.

Romain Beauxis romain.beauxis at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 00:16:20 EET 2025

Hi all,

Le lun. 20 janv. 2025 à 10:23, Marth64 <marth64 at proxyid.net> a écrit :
> James Almer:
> > I'd really like if we can stop with the "Everything's fucked, nothing
> > can be done" mails every other week and instead make use of the
> > framework we came up with, or if needed, change it and improve it.
> +1
> or we will never move forward with anything

Thank you for the robust discussion y'all.

First and foremost, I'm sorry to see that no one seems to have
actually tested my changes.

Here are some testing feedback:
* I had to fix a couple of glitches from the v0, I'll post an updated
patch after sending this email.
* It has only been tested end-to-end with FFmpeg implementation. We
are scheduled to test with the client's actual encoder some time this
* I have done the following:

1. From a AWS remote server, launch this process:
ffmpeg -re -i  <New Orleans WWOZ URL> -f rtp_mpegts -fec
prompeg=l=4:d=4 rtp://<my ISP IP>:3498

2. Set up port forwarding to my laptop inside my local LAN wifi.

(If you know US IPs and if you know New Orleans, I have to add that my
internet link is particularly bad too)

3. Launch on my laptop:

ffmpeg -i "rtp://" -c copy -y /tmp/decoded.aac

I then used macos's Network Link Conditioner with different packet
loss ratio to simulate packet losses.

After about 30 min of each case, I reported the following recovery ratio:

1% packet loss: 100% recovery ratio
5% packet loss: 98% recovery ratio
10% packet loss: 95% recovery ratio
20% packet loss: 82% recovery ratio

Frankly, these numbers seem good enough to me to merge as is, this is
already providing a pretty robust solution for users who are concerned
only about using ffmpeg end-to-end.

As for the rest of the conversation, here are some quick notes:

--> Do I intend to maintain and expand the implementation?

I would love to. In fact, I would love to be involved more with the
development process here.

It's just been really difficult to get some attention on the changes
that I have proposed.

Typically, I have another patch that I sent earlier about ogg that has
had zero review so far.

But, yeah, I have a track record of maintaining several projects over
the years and I'd like to consider this one as well.

--> Feedback and expert knowledge

In the discussion, I see a lot of knowledge being expressed that comes
from years of working on these technologies.

Though I have some under my belt as well, I'm eager to learn more, if
this can be done in a constructive way.

Here are some feedback based on what I've been able to read in the threads:

--> Heuristics vs. algorithmic

In my opinion, heuristics should be avoided as much as possible and,
if used, should be abstracted away in their own modular architectural

The reason being that each particular heuristic introduces side
effects that are often hard to anticipate, complicate code proofread
and testing.

When a specific situations arises, like a specific router behavior,
instead of immediately adding a quick conditional branch, it can be
more beneficial to ask ourselves what are the consequences of this
specific behavior to the system in general and wether or not this can
be caught through some of the more generic mechanisms already in place
(or via a new one).

However, heuristics can also be hard learned lessons from battling in
the field (see expert knowledge above) so I'm not against them, just
generally very conservative.

--> Practical engineering

I have grown to like engineering based on tests and experiments like
the ones I did above.

At the end of the day, I have no specific attachment to my
implementation in particular as long as there is one that is
maintainable and that can provide the functionality that is desired.

(though I will admit it's always nice to get your work recognized and

To address some specific concerns about the proposed implementation:

--> Infinite loop

Being a "simple" implementation with no heuristics, the expected steps
upon receiving a new packet are always finite. Thus, there cannot be
any infinite loop in this implementation.

--> Encoder restart

This seems to be out wildly of the scope for those changes. The RTP
demuxer does not yet support encoder restart.

Also, to support this, you would also have to deal with PTS/DTS
discontinuities that would be akin to supporting dynamic content
switch, another thing that is not obvious to do in ffmpeg at the

In the future, I would love to contribute more on this.

Based on the conversation'd feedback regarding implementation specific
details, this seems like a hard problem, in particular because SSRC is
not usable for that.

In this specific case, it seems to me that, instead of building
heuristics that are a little bit of a shot in the dark, this
particular problem could warrant breaking the separation of concern
and using the content layer.

In a lot of cases, that the content layer would make it extremely
clear when a new stream is coming into the demuxer by looking at some
specifics of its bitstream.

And, yes, if this is impossible, for instance with raw PCM, then use
heuristics as last resort, if this makes sense.

--> Next steps?

I still have to test the implementation with my client's hardware
encoders. However, I believe that the v1 of the changes that I'm about
to send should be ready for a solid review/consideration based on my
own testing.

Meanwhile, I will be at FOSDEM the first weekend of October and would
love to continue the conversation in person. In fact, I am planning to
give a talk about dynamic content switching using ffmpeg so some of
the talk could be an interesting starting point for a larger

-- Romain

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