[FFmpeg-devel] Democratization
ff at hawaiiantel.net
Wed Jan 29 18:12:30 EET 2025
On Wed, 29 Jan 2025 16:16:29 +0100, Niklas Haas wrote:
> I think the most important crux of the problem is a fundamental disagreement
> between Michael and the "community" (for lack of a better term) about the role
> of the CC (and by extension, the GA). Michael is under the impression that they
> (should) serve a mere advisory role, with Michael himself having final say in
> matters both technical and non-technical. The "community", on the other hand,
> seems to be under the impression that the CC/GA is supposed to have the final
> say.
> I think that resolving this core dispute is the only way to quiet these non-stop
> discussions, either by making it clear that the CC, TC and GA are merely advisory
> with no actual power, or by Michael stepping down and handing control over
> ffmpeg.org to the GA (via vote of new root admin).
ffmpeg is ran by the community currently, and always has been.
ffmpeg has never been ran by a vote. there have always been multiple
people in charge of the ffmpeg server. i know, because i've been here
for 20 years.
we can see how badly something ran by GA vote works right now. with our
own eyes. ffmpeg just had a vote for the CC and two developers
immediately quit working in the CC. why did we just waste all that
time with a vote then?
michael is not a supervillain. saying its "michael vs the
community" ? please stop with these personal statements against
any individual developers in the project on this mailing list.
if people are going to fork, then fork. ffmpeg has plenty of active and
inactive forks. its not the end of the world. just a fork.
i hope a certain vocal subset of people will stop blackmailing this
project with the "if we dont get our way, we'll quit/fork" stuff. its
not a friendly nor professional ultimatum.
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