[FFmpeg-devel] Democratization

Tobias Rapp t.rapp at noa-archive.com
Thu Jan 30 10:02:55 EET 2025

On 29/01/2025 12:52, Soft Works wrote:

> [...]
>>> for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
>>>      print("You did this you did that");
>>> }
>>> if (!(<give us control over ffmpeg>)) {
>>>      for (i=0; i<1000; i++) {
>>>          sendEmail("<more accusations>");
>>>      }
>>> }
>>> Sounds like the accusations are more a leverage than a concern..?
>> Sounds like you are not adding anything to the discussion, but thanks
>> for
>> sharing your view.
> You're very welcome, but which discussion?
> If this is the way you are discussing, then I don't want to see you shit-storming. 😃
> I haven't followed the stories behind those individual points you are listing - I read a bit through things but for most of them, I'm not in a position (from knowledge) to do any judgement.
> But what I can judge is your way of communication and presentation, plus the fact that this is at least the 4th repetition of the same content in the same aggressive form.
> It is obvious that you are not interested in resolving the individual "points" you are listing. You want to gain more control over all aspects of the ffmpeg project (for "the community") and to fund that argument, you have assembled that list of "bad incidents" that all wouldn't have happened when the project would under control of somebody else (like you? >> or course "backed" by the community).
> But community or not - it's always actual persons who have certain powers in their hands.
> And my personal view on that is that those who are speaking up so loudly and dirty for gaining control are the very last ones to which I would want to give such powers.
> sw

Thanks, this summarizes my feelings about the topic quite well.

Regards, Tobias

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