[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] FFV1 float support

Jerome Martinez jerome at mediaarea.net
Fri Mar 7 10:37:06 EET 2025

Le 07/03/2025 à 02:13, Michael Niedermayer a écrit :
> [...]
> We have a generic remap table with the float code.
> 1. This is not really float specific, it could be used with integers

IMO it is important to have a clear split of "tools" available in the 
bitstream, so it can be used whatever is the pixel kind.
the spec should not have many "if".
As I have a practical example with 16-bit integer having 4 bits of 0 
padding, I'll give it a try.

> 2. Its per slice, so each slice can have a different table or none
> Any bits that are always 0 or 1 will be perfectly optimized out using
> that table. No mattter if LSB, MSB or in the middle
> even if every color is a multiple of 13 the remap table will still perfectly
> remove that and produce a continous range that is one thirteenth
> If you disagree, please explain how thats not already solving every
> variant and more ?

I'll do more tests on that.

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