[FFmpeg-devel] The Concept for the CC Installment is broken by Design

Marth64 marth64 at proxyid.net
Sat Mar 8 00:42:03 EET 2025

You can criticize the CC structure all you want, but I will absolutely
not accept thinly veiled personal attacks, including being called a
child. Your email is condescending and dismissive, completely
disregarding the time and effort that volunteers like myself have put
into this work. I did not volunteer to this role because I was "keen
and crazy enough to" but because I wanted to actually try and make a
difference. Whether or not I have, that is for the people to decide.
But I will not have it being publicly ridiculed and called a "child".
I have been nothing but polite to you and others even if we have

Frankly, beyond this example, you have shown to be generally rude,
gatekeeping to others, and are unpleasant to engage with. You also
seem unaware that not all CC matters are handled publicly.

I have no further comment for you.

Marth64, without the CC hat.

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