[FFmpeg-devel] The Concept for the CC Installment is broken by Design

Soft Works softworkz at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 8 03:16:55 EET 2025

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ffmpeg-devel <ffmpeg-devel-bounces at ffmpeg.org> On Behalf Of
> Marth64
> Sent: Samstag, 8. März 2025 01:22
> To: FFmpeg development discussions and patches <ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org>
> Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] The Concept for the CC Installment is broken
> by Design
> > I don't have any reason to think or say anything bad about you or
> other members of the CC.
> Then I apologize if I misunderstood. I have no issue hearing criticism
> of our structures but the comparison to kindergartners came off the
> wrong way.
> _______________________________________________

Hi Marth64,

thanks and nevermind. I truly don't want to accuse anybody of anything and at the very least the members of the CC. I know about your intentions to improve the community and totally appreciate that.
I also have no doubts that you have done some good things which haven't become public. It's important to have community members like you who are trying to keep people together. 

My criticism is solely on the structure of the CC operations, which is based on many observations I had made during the past months. You - and the members of the CC - are taking your perceived integrity at stakes, solely for taking that role, not even due to any action that was taken. And when you take any (public) actions, some will always think it was wrong or will be dissatisfied. It's really a tough position to fulfil.
My overall impression is that the sole existence of the CC in the current form is more dividing than unifying, no matter what the CC does - and even when it would to nothing at all, the distrust that has emerged wasn't based on anything the CC has done, just about what it might be doing. Similar, the disregarding or CC members like being from this or that "group" or "party", like it had been alluded from various sides recently.
I wanted to illustrate the mechanism of and effects of the CC concept and how it can hardly fulfill the intended purposes in a beneficial way (in total sum) - no matter how good and faithful and passionate the people are who are taking those roles. Or let me put it this way: The CC structure is too much overshadowing the good things you are really intending to do.

The elementary school comparison is intended to illustrate which kind of system we have: making complaints privately and expecting the target being sanctioned publicly - that's not a healthy pattern. 
Btw. if you would really want to take it literally, you would be a teacher, not a child, but again, it was really not meant to call anybody a child or anything else, it was meant to make people think about the current system and how much sense it makes for this community.

Best wishes


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