[FFmpeg-user] Buffer queue overflow, dropping gives still frame video

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Mon Sep 29 17:30:04 CEST 2014

Le quartidi 4 vendémiaire, an CCXXIII, Casey Bateman a écrit :
> the issue that I am seeing is that when I run this command, I get the
> "Buffer queue overflow, dropping" warning. The end of the video results in
> a still frame because of this. I have pumped far more complex filters
> through ffmpeg without this sort of issue. Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.

First, you should trim your command line to keep only the minimum necessary
for the problem to arise. Most of the cases, just doing that will allow to
figure out what is going wrong.

If that is not enough, you should try to make your command line readable:
split it on several lines, align similar statements, use descriptive names
for filter pads instead of random hex numbers.

If that is still not enough, find out what input of concat is receiving
frames when it should not. For that, add showinfo just before each input and
look at the frames; you can also showinfo after concat to see what goes out.
You should see first all frames for the first input, with PTS starting from
0. Then all frames for the second input, with PTS re-starting from 0 and
offset by the first segment duration on output, then the same for the third

In this particular case, I suspect you forgot to trim one of your segments
so that it overlaps with the others.


  Nicolas George
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