[FFmpeg-user] combine dvd files with all info into single file

Phil Turmel philip at turmel.org
Sun Oct 9 23:36:49 EEST 2016

On 10/05/2016 08:19 PM, mymlact at gmx.com wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've been reading post after post today but can't seem to find exactly
> what I need.
> Goal:
> Rip a DVD and then create a single file for playing via dnla enabled
> components, from the resulting rip files, that has everything included,
> menu, all audio streams, video stream, subtitles AND has 100% of the
> quality as the DVD/VOB files.

You can't.  The VOB files don't hold the little bits of code that make
the menus and special features work.  That stuff is stored in the IFO
files, with a bunch of sector references and lookups that have to match
the DVD's physical layout.

The closest thing to what you want is to make an ISO file with the
appropriate content, mimicing a real DVD.  Many playback engines will
operate on such a file as if reading the original DVD.  VLC and MythTV
are both capable of handling all menu content and special features in
ISO files.

The challenge with modern DVDs is to get the content off the original
DVD and into a filesystem so that you can construct an ISO.  DVD makers
"trap" the content so simple copying hits deliberate bad sectors all
over the place, and only the path through the menus that a real user can
see and pick will produce a working sector access pattern.  Ripping
software tries to pretend to be a user to figure out how to distinguish
good sectors from bad, but there's some pretty tricky movie houses who
are highly motivated to fake them out.

For untrapped DVDs, dvdbackup and mkisofs are all you need.  For trapped
DVDs, those tools need more help.  This is now off-topic for
ffmpeg-user, but google should help.  :-)


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