[FFmpeg-user] How can I get rtmp with ffmpeg? Setting swfsize and hash? >

Sinan Aksu sinanksu at gmail.com
Sat May 13 16:15:45 EEST 2017

Thank you for your reply. When I look at the documents, the command looks
correct. I am using the latest version of windows build ffmpeg. But swf
does not accept size and hash settings. Could this be the problem? Because
rtmpdump does not work if you do not set swf and hash, but if it is set it
works. Rtmpdump does not automatically recognize the size and hash values
​​of the swf file. For this reason I value manual. He works like that. Do
you need to set the sqf in ffmpeg and the hash values ​​manually? How can I
do that.

By the way, I do not write the output part of the command, so I guess it
gives the warning. I have arranged the end of the command as follows and
the warning is off.

New command: ffmpeg -i "rtmpe: //" -rtmp_app xlive
-rtmp_flashver WIN 23,0,0,162 -rtmp_swfurl "
http://sportstream365.com/swf/VideoPlayer.swf" -rtmp_swfverify "http: //
sportstream365.com/swf/VideoPlayer.swf "-rtmp_pageurl"
http://sportstream365.com/viewer?game=116356399 "-rtmp_conn S: client
-rtmp_conn S: -rtmp_conn S: en -rtmp_live live - rtmp_playpath
"raw: 600238" -f flv -t 60 test.flv

New error output: libswscale 4. 3.101 / 4. 3.101
  Libswresample 2. 4.100 / 2. 4.100
  Libpostproc 54. 2.100 / 54. 2.100
Rtmp server sent error
Rtmp server requested close
Rtmpe: // Unknown error occurred

2017-05-13 12:40 GMT+03:00 Moritz Barsnick <barsnick at gmx.net>:

> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 11:48:38 +0300, Sinan Aksu wrote:
> > I looked at the documents. I created a command like the following. But it
> > failed and I could not solve the error.
> >
> > Command : ffmpeg -i "rtmpe://" -rtmp_app xlive
> > -rtmp_flashver WIN 23,0,0,162 -rtmp_swfurl "
> > http://sportstream365.com/swf/VideoPlayer.swf" -rtmp_swfverify "
> > http://sportstream365.com/swf/VideoPlayer.swf" -rtmp_pageurl "
> > http://sportstream365.com/viewer?game=116356399" -rtmp_conn S:client
> > -rtmp_conn S: -rtmp_conn S:en -rtmp_live live -rtmp_playpath
> > "raw:600238"
> Please do take some more time to read the ffmpeg documentation and
> perhaps look at some examples. Especially the option system: Input
> options belong *before* the input ("-i") they shall apply to, output
> options before the corresponding output.
> https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Description
> In your case, all the "-rtmp_*" options obviously belong before "-i
> rtmpe://".
> A hint was in your ffmpeg's console output:
> > Trailing options were found on the commandline.
> BTW, I'm on this mailing list, no need to forward your messages to my
> personal address.
> Moritz
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