[FFmpeg-user] Create lossless PNG compressed avi video - not MPNG - for ImageJ

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 13:18:10 EEST 2020

Am Di., 15. Sept. 2020 um 11:47 Uhr schrieb Rainer M Krug <Rainer at krugs.de>:
> Hi
> I want to compress avi videos which will be read into ImageJ, which supports the following formats:
> https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/plugins/avi-reader.html
> ```
>         • Only a few formats are supported:
>                 • Uncompressed 8 bit with palette (LUT)
>                 • Uncompressed 8 & 16 bit grayscale
>                 • Uncompressed 24 & 32 bit RGB (alpha channel ignored)
>                 • Uncompressed 32 bit AYUV (alpha channel ignored)
>                 • Various YUV 4:2:2 compressed formats
>                 • PNG or JPEG-encoded individual frames.
>                 • MJPG (motion-JPEG)
>         • Does not read AVI formats with more than one frame per chunk
>         • Palette changes during the video not supported
>         • Out-of-sequence frames (sequence given by index) not supported
>         • Different frame sizes in one file (rcFrame) not supported
>         • Conversion of (A)YUV formats to grayscale is non-standard:
> All 255 levels are kept as in the input (i.e. the full dynamic range of data from a frame grabber is preserved). For standard behavior, use "Brightness&Contrast", Press "Set", enter "Min." 16, "Max." 235, and press "Apply”.
> ```
> I tried the following
> ```
> ffmpeg -i 20200728_00019.avi -vcodec png 20200728_00019.comp.avi
> ```

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> But this gives me an error in ImageJ: "Unsupported compression: 474e504d 'MPNG' in line 16”

ffmpeg -i input -vcodec png -vtag "PNG " out.avi

Carl Eugen

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