[FFmpeg-user] fftfilt

Michael Koch astroelectronic at t-online.de
Wed Oct 13 23:50:31 EEST 2021

Am 12.10.2021 um 19:29 schrieb Michael Koch:
> Am 12.10.2021 um 18:52 schrieb Paul B Mahol:
>> On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 10:55 AM Michael Koch 
>> <astroelectronic at t-online.de>
>> wrote:
>>> I have a question about the "fftfilt" filter. What's the default value
>>> of the weight_U and weight_V options? I'm asking because I get an
>>> unexpected result.
>>> This command line creates my input image for testing:
>>> ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=black:s=300x50 -lavfi
>>> drawgrid=c=white:y=-1:w=2:h=51,split[a][b];[b]crop=iw/2:x=0,scale=2*iw:ih:flags=neighbor,split[b][c];[c]crop=iw/2:x=0,scale=2*iw:ih:flags=neighbor,split[c][d];[d]crop=iw/2:x=0,scale=2*iw:ih:flags=neighbor,split[d][e];[e]crop=iw/2:x=0,scale=2*iw:ih:flags=neighbor,split[e][f];[f]crop=iw/2:x=0,scale=2*iw:ih:flags=neighbor[f];[a][b][c][d][e][f]vstack=6,split[h][v];[v]transpose[v];[v][h]hstack 
>>> -frames 1 -y test.png
>>> This is the fftfilt lowpass example from the official documentation:
>>> ffmpeg -i test.png -vf fftfilt=dc_Y=0:weight_Y='squish((Y+X)/100-1)' -y
>>> out1.png
>>> Problem: The output has a greenish tint.
>> Expressions by default for U and V are copied from Y if are unset.
>> filter works only in YUV or gray space thus in above combination one 
>> gets
>> green tint.

I'm trying to make the filter's cutoff frequency independant of the 
image size. But that's not so easy because I don't know the size of the 
FFT array. It's calculated in vf_fftfilt.c lines 185 and 297.
This calculation is difficult (and slow) to replicate in an expression, 
because either a loop or a logarithm is required.
Would it be possible to add two new variables so that the FFT array size 
can be used in an expression?
ARRAY_H = 1 << rdft_hbits
ARRAY_V = 1 << rdft_vbits
It the array size is known, things would become much easier.


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