[FFmpeg-user] FFMPEG loudnorm - linear normalization

Clayton Macleod cherrytwist at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 19:06:47 EET 2022

On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 8:17 AM CMG DiGiTaL <cmarciog at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok boys.... each one has its truth and the sum of them, makes us reach
> excellence!... but in the end,
>  we must be faithful to what seems most correct to us.
Yeah, this place seems kind of strange.  Attacking people is ok, but don't
you dare top post! Heh.

> I understand what Clayton said about the volume on the amplifier, but
> imagine the situation of having friends for a party and having to keep
> turning
> the amplifier volume up and down for each song that is playing!... I want
> to be able to enjoy the party without having to worry about it!

I don't think you did understand what I said if this is what you are
replying with.  You can volume match without turning files up.  You simply
choose a target that only involves turning loud files down to the same
volume as quieter files.  Then you use the amplifier to make all the
volume-matched songs as loud as you please during playback.  My whole
library is matched in this way.

Anyway, I've already said everything you need to know on the topic.  You
can get things working exactly as you wish with that knowledge.  Whether or
not you let it sink in and use that knowledge is up to you.  I don't think
I'll be participating here any longer.  People attacking each other for no
reason is ridiculous.  Something should be done about that rather than
worrying about whether or not someone top posts.  Hitting reply in an email
client and then replying typically results in a top post.  That's how email
works, give or take.  Forcing people to abandon how most email clients work
because it is what you're used to is pathetic.  Who the hell still uses
mailing lists as a way to discuss things anyways?  Forums exist.  Heh.


Clayton Macleod
If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it, then how bad of
a decision can it really be?

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