[FFmpeg-user] rgb8

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue May 30 21:28:08 EEST 2023

Am 30.05.23 um 20:21 schrieb Michael Koch:
> ffmpeg -f dshow -video_size 1280x800 -framerate 5 -pixel_format rgb8 -i 
> video="ASI178MM Camera (ZWO Design)" -f rawvideo -frames 1 -y test.raw
> Then I did read this file, assuming that the pixel format is gray:
> ffmpeg -s 1280x800 -pixel_format gray -f rawvideo -i test.raw -y gray.png
> The result looks correct. Is it possible to do this in one command line? 
> I mean just tell FFmpeg that the pixel format isn't rgb8 but gray, 
> without making any modifications to the data?

parameters before the input file are *input params*

so why don't you change "-pixel_format rgb8" to "-pixel_format gray" in 
the first command line when you say it works in the second one?

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