[FFmpeg-user] A question about video encoding.

Aditya Dandavate adityadandavate04 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 13:35:23 EET 2023

On Sun, 12 Nov, 2023, 11:15 pm Andrew Randrianasulu, <
randrianasulu at gmail.com> wrote:

> вс, 12 нояб. 2023 г., 20:23 Aditya Dandavate <adityadandavate04 at gmail.com
> >:
> > So, Should I stick to h264_qsv or mpeg4 ? In general, which encoder gives
> > higher quality at the same bitrate ?
> >
> Hardware encoders used to be not good at 2-4-6 Mbs range for live
> streaming, but from existence of some bluray compat option in nvenc wrapper
> I can guess at BluRay bitrates they might be quite good?

I am using Intel, so I can't use Nvenc. So, which encoder should I stick to
for better quality or higher quality at same bitrate, h264_qsv or mpeg4 ?

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