[Mplayer-advusers] Re: Still getting seg fault on end of every video

Onno onnok at web.de
Wed May 14 19:03:24 CEST 2003


Greg Stark schrieb:
> Onno <onnok at web.de> writes:
>>whilst not being a developer, i am an advanced user, 
> Well perhaps that's part of the difference. I am a developer, not of mplayer
> of course, but other software.

What difference, you being smarter than me, no prob, that crown is up
to you :-)

No just kidding, i was just wondering  why you cross post instead of 
resending the whole (quite complete) bug report...

>>and as such i tell you to READ THE FU**ING MANUAL, and please also THE
> Heh, I suppose it's useful to have someone send write up this flame
> periodically. Not really relevant in this case but at least this way some poor
> newbie doesn't have to suffer and might see this message before posting.

Well i had a common mistake in mind, which would be solved by really 
re-reading the whole doc stuff...
And better i spend time on "flaming" than the mplayer developers :-)

> I think I detect the source of the frustration though. It suspect people just
> don't believe me that it happens on every single movie. They really want to
> see output from mplayer and a sample movie file and think if they just saw
> that they would be able to reproduce it. 
> Looking at the backtrace I really don't believe that. I believe the bug is in
> the option parser for some module that builds on my machine because of the

could it be, that (as the error output say's) you are missing the
fonts ?
I suspect the error condition handling of not finding fonts.desc
does not de-init properly:

>> get_path('font/font.desc') -> '/home/stark/.mplayer/font/font.desc'
>> font: can't open file: /home/stark/.mplayer/font/font.desc
>> font: can't open file: /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/font.desc
>> init_freetype
>> Using MMX (with tiny bit MMX2) Optimized OnScreenDisplay

also you neither have a input.conf nor a running lircd,
those where the last tries for your system

> available libraries that perhaps isn't building on your machine because some
> of those libraries aren't available.

my only difference to your setup is:
you have live.com, mee not
i have dvb-out, you not
i have different CPU:  celeron1 + old amd-1100
i have lircd running (it's fast setup for dummy puposes, give it a try)
i use fonts

> Just by way of demonstration, I can reproduce the bug playing /dev/null with
> the null video output driver. Incidentally, there seems to be a different bug
> in that the x11 driver is shut down at the end even though it was using the
> null driver. Or perhaps that's just a quirk of the sig11 handler?

no thats realy a bug, since i only use dvbout :-) i'm shure about that

> I don't think this output is actually useful to help debug, the backtrace
> already made this conclusion pretty obvious. But perhaps people were
> skeptical?

well not directly, but it shows the little differences (
(.cfg files absent, lirc not running, fonts)
so if it make one thing, its that yout bugreport will grow, since people
like me always find another possibility one could check .... :-)

I hope you don't mind the first flame :-)

Regards Onno

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