[Mplayer-advusers] bug in mencoder - divx5-encoderandlibavcodec-encoder

Johannes Feigl jaf.maillist at aon.at
Thu Oct 2 14:57:38 CEST 2003


i've updated my mplayer version (i delete all my sources and got it
again via cvs), and yes, there is no crash now. but now it also not
works correct.

i found out that the problem with the libavcodec encoder i had and the
divx5 encoder i have (it still does not work with divx5) is, that the
video changes the aspect ratio.

i've uploaded two other files: test2.vdr und test2a.vdr

they are from the same video. before you see "jetzt" in the video there
is change in the aspect ratio. test2a.vdr starts later, after that
change, so you see a different format when you play both.

when you try to encode such a video with a change of the aspect ratio

1) libavcodec encoder stops working here and mencoder stop (now without
2) divx5 encoder cannot encode the 2nd pass.

try to encode it with libavcodec, you'll see that mencoder cannot start
the codec (to encode) again after the change.

i hope now you can reproduce it. if not, please tell me.

mfg johannes

> > please check.
> still no crash
> [...]
> --
> Michael
> level[i]= get_vlc(); i+=get_vlc(); (violates patent EP0266049)
> median(mv[y-1][x], mv[y][x-1], mv[y+1][x+1]); (violates patent
> buf[i]= qp - buf[i-1]; (violates patent #?)
> for more examples, see http://mplayerhq.hu/~michael/patent.html
> stop it, see http://petition.eurolinux.org &
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