[MPlayer-advusers] trac.ffmpeg.org / trac.mplayerhq.hu Security Breach

Alexander Strasser eclipse7 at gmx.net
Thu Feb 13 19:57:16 CET 2014

Some people might not follow mplayerhq.hu closely, the following news were posted
originally at https://mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html#trac_sec

The server on which FFmpeg and MPlayer Trac issue trackers were installed was compromised.
The affected server was taken offline and has been replaced and all software reinstalled.

MPlayer SVN, releases, web and mailinglists are on other servers and were not affected. We
believe that the original compromise happened to a server, unrelated to FFmpeg and MPlayer,
several months ago. That server was used as a source to clone the VM that we recently moved
Trac to. It is not known if anyone used the backdoor that was found.

We recommend all users to change their passwords. Especially users who use a password on
Trac that they also use elsewhere, should change that password at least elsewhere. 

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