[Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: main/Gui/wm widget.h,NONE,1.1 ws.c,NONE,1.1 ws.h,NONE,1.1 wsconv.c,NONE,1.1 wsconv.h,NONE,1.1 wskeys.h,NONE,1.1 wsmkeys.h,NONE,1.1
Arpi of Ize
arpi at mplayer.dev.hu
Sat Aug 25 23:04:33 CEST 2001
- Previous message: [Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: main/Gui/skin cut.c,NONE,1.1 cut.h,NONE,1.1 font.c,NONE,1.1 font.h,NONE,1.1 skin.c,NONE,1.1 skin.h,NONE,1.1
- Next message: [Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: main Makefile,1.66,1.67 configure,1.152,1.153 mplayer.c,1.239,1.240
- Messages sorted by:
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Update of /cvsroot/mplayer/main/Gui/wm
In directory mplayer:/var/tmp.root/cvs-serv13203/wm
Added Files:
widget.h ws.c ws.h wsconv.c wsconv.h wskeys.h wsmkeys.h
Log Message:
GUI version n-1
--- NEW FILE ---
#define wgIsRect( X,Y,tX,tY,bX,bY ) ( ( X > tX )&&( Y > tY )&&( X < bX )&&( Y < bY ) )
--- NEW FILE ---
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AutoSpace Window System for Linux/Win32 v0.85
// Writed by pontscho/fresh!mindworkz
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xproto.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ws.h"
#include "wsconv.h"
#include "../../config.h"
[...1038 lines suppressed...]
stat=DPMSDisable( mDisplay ); // monitor powersave off
fprintf( stderr,"stat: %d.\n",stat );
XGetScreenSaver( mDisplay,&timeout_save,&interval,&prefer_blank,&allow_exp );
if ( timeout_save ) XSetScreenSaver( mDisplay,0,interval,prefer_blank,allow_exp ); // turning off screensaver
void wsSetShape( wsTWindow * win,char * data )
if ( ( !wsUseXShape )||( !data ) ) return;
win->Mask=XCreateBitmapFromData( wsDisplay,win->WindowID,data,win->Width,win->Height );
XShapeCombineMask( wsDisplay,win->WindowID,ShapeBounding,0,0,win->Mask,ShapeSet );
XFreePixmap( wsDisplay,win->Mask );
#include "wsmkeys.h"
--- NEW FILE ---
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AutoSpace Window System for Linux/Win32 v0.61
// Writed by pontscho / fresh!mindworkz
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __MY_WS
#define __MY_WS
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
#include <X11/extensions/dpms.h>
#define wsKeyReleased 0
#define wsKeyPressed 1
#define wsShift (1L<<0)
#define wsLock (1L<<1)
#define wsCtrl (1L<<2)
#define wsAlt (1L<<3)
#define wsPLMouseButton 1
#define wsPMMouseButton 2
#define wsPRMouseButton 3
#define wsRLMouseButton 1 + 128
#define wsRMMouseButton 2 + 128
#define wsRRMouseButton 3 + 128
#define wsEnterWindow 253
#define wsLeaveWindow 254
#define wsMoveMouse 255
#define wsShowMouseCursor 1
#define wsMouse 1
#define wsHideMouseCursor 0
#define wsNoMouse 0
#define wsHandleMouseButton 2
#define wsHandleMouseMove 4
#define wsHideFrame 0
#define wsNoFrame 0
#define wsShowFrame 1
#define wsFrame 1
#define wsMaxSize 2
#define wsMinSize 4
#define wsShowWindow 8
#define wsHideWindow 16
#define wsOverredirect 32
#define wsNoBorder 0
#define wsSysName "AutoSpace Window System LiTe"
#define wsRGB32 1
#define wsBGR32 2
#define wsRGB24 3
#define wsBGR24 4
#define wsRGB16 5
#define wsBGR16 6
#define wsRGB15 7
#define wsBGR15 8
#define wsWindowVisible 1
#define wsWindowPartialVisible 2
#define wsWindowNotVisible 4
#define wsWindowMapped 8
#define wsWindowUnmapped 16
#define wsWindowFocusIn 32
#define wsWindowFocusOut 64
#define wsWindowExpose 128
#define wsWindowRolled 256
#define wsNone 0
#define wsMapped 1
#define wsFocused 2
#define wsVisible 3
#define wsNotVisible 4
#define wsPVisible 5
#define wsRolled 6
#define wsParamDisplay Display *dpy,Window w
typedef void (*wsTReDraw)( wsParamDisplay );
typedef void (*wsTReSize)( unsigned int X,unsigned int Y,unsigned int width,unsigned int height );
typedef void (*wsTIdle)( void );
typedef void (*wsTKeyHandler)( int State,int Type,int Key );
typedef void (*wsTMouseHandler)( int Button,int X,int Y,int RX,int RY );
typedef void (*wsRemoteHandler)( char * str );
typedef struct
Window WindowID;
Window Parent;
int X,Y,Width,Height;
int OldX,OldY,OldWidth,OldHeight;
int MaxX,MaxY;
int isFullScreen;
int BorderWidth;
int Property;
unsigned char * bImage;
XImage * xImage;
Pixmap Mask;
int Decorations;
int State;
int Visible;
int Mapped;
int Focused;
int Rolled;
wsTReDraw ReDraw;
wsTReSize ReSize;
wsTIdle Idle;
wsTKeyHandler KeyHandler;
wsTMouseHandler MouseHandler;
wsRemoteHandler RemoteHandler;
int Alt;
int Shift;
int Control;
int NumLock;
int CapsLock;
// --- Misc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Atom AtomDeleteWindow;
Atom AtomTakeFocus;
Atom AtomRolle;
Atom AtomProtocols;
Atom AtomsProtocols[3];
Atom AtomLeaderClient;
Atom AtomRemote;
XShmSegmentInfo Shminfo;
unsigned char * ImageData;
unsigned short int * ImageDataw;
unsigned int * ImageDatadw;
XGCValues wGCV;
unsigned long WindowMask;
XVisualInfo VisualInfo;
XWindowAttributes Attribs;
XSetWindowAttributes WindowAttrib;
XSizeHints SizeHint;
XWMHints WMHints;
XFontStruct * Font;
int FontHeight;
Cursor wsCursor;
char wsCursorData[1];
Pixmap wsCursorPixmap;
int wsMouseEventType;
XColor wsColor;
} wsTWindow;
extern unsigned int wsMaxX;
extern unsigned int wsMaxY;
extern Display * wsDisplay;
extern int wsScreen;
extern Window wsRootWin;
extern unsigned char * wsImageData;
extern XEvent wsEvent;
extern int wsDepthOnScreen;
extern int wsRedMask;
extern int wsGreenMask;
extern int wsBlueMask;
extern int wsUseXShm;
extern int wsUseDGA;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wsKeyTable
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern unsigned long wsKeyTable[512];
extern void wsXDone( void );
extern void wsXInit( void );
extern int wsGetDepthOnScreen( void );
extern void wsDoExit( void );
extern void wsMainLoop( void );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wsCrateWindow: create a new window on the screen.
// X,Y : window position
// wX,hY : window size
// bW : window frame size
// cV : mouse cursor visible
// D : "decoration", visible titlebar, etc ...
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern void wsCreateWindow( wsTWindow * win,int X,int Y,int wX,int hY,int bW,int cV,unsigned char D,char * label );
extern void wsDestroyWindow( wsTWindow * win );
extern void wsMoveWindow( wsTWindow * win,int x, int y );
extern void wsResizeWindow( wsTWindow * win,int sx, int sy );
extern void wsIconify( wsTWindow win );
extern void wsMoveTopWindow( wsTWindow * win );
extern void wsSetBackground( wsTWindow * win,int color );
extern void wsSetBackgroundRGB( wsTWindow * win,int r,int g,int b );
#define wsClearWindow( win ); XClearWindow( wsDisplay,win.WindowID );
extern void wsSetTitle( wsTWindow * win,char * name );
extern void wsVisibleWindow( wsTWindow * win,int show );
extern void wsWindowDecoration( wsTWindow * win,long d );
extern void wsFullScreen( wsTWindow * win );
extern void wsPostRedisplay( wsTWindow * win );
extern void wsSetShape( wsTWindow * win,char * data );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Draw string at x,y with fc ( foreground color ) and bc ( background color ).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern void wsDrawString( wsTWindow win,int x,int y,char * str,int fc,int bc );
extern int wsTextWidth( wsTWindow win,char * str );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Show / hide mouse cursor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern void wsVisibleMouse( wsTWindow * win,int m );
extern void wsSetMousePosition( wsTWindow * win,int x, int y );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Image handling
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern void wsCreateImage( wsTWindow * win );
extern void wsConvert( wsTWindow * win,unsigned char * Image,unsigned int Size );
extern void wsPutImage( wsTWindow * win );
extern void wsResizeImage( wsTWindow * win );
extern void wsDestroyImage( wsTWindow * win );
extern int wsGetOutMask( void );
extern void wsScreenSaverOn( Display *mDisplay );
extern void wsScreenSaverOff( Display * mDisplay );
--- NEW FILE ---
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../../config.h"
#ifdef xHAVE_MMX
#include "../../main/libvo/mmx.h"
#include "../../main/libvo/fastmemcpy.h"
#include "wsconv.h"
wsTConvFunc wsConvFunc = NULL;
// ---
#define COPY_RGB_24(src,dst) dst[0]=src[0];dst[1]=src[1];dst[2]=src[2]
#define SWAP_RGB_24(src,dst) dst[1]=src[0];dst[1]=src[1];dst[2]=src[0]
void BGR8880_to_RGB555_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels, int num_pixels)
unsigned short pixel;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++)
*(unsigned short*)out_pixels = pixel;
in_pixels += 4;
out_pixels += 2;
void BGR8880_to_BGR555_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels, int num_pixels)
unsigned short pixel;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++)
*(unsigned short*)out_pixels = pixel;
in_pixels += 4;
out_pixels += 2;
void BGR8880_to_RGB565_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels, int num_pixels)
unsigned short pixel;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++)
*(unsigned short*)out_pixels = pixel;
in_pixels += 4;
out_pixels += 2;
void BGR8880_to_BGR565_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels, int num_pixels)
unsigned short pixel;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++)
*(unsigned short*)out_pixels = pixel;
in_pixels += 4;
out_pixels += 2;
void BGR8880_to_RGB888_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels,int num_pixels )
int i;
for(i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++)
in_pixels += 4;
out_pixels += 3;
void BGR8880_to_BGR888_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels,int num_pixels )
int i;
for(i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++)
in_pixels += 4;
out_pixels += 3;
void BGR8880_to_BGR8880_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels,int num_pixels )
int i;
for(i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++)
in_pixels += 4;
out_pixels += 4;
void BGR8880_to_RGB8880_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels,int num_pixels )
{ memcpy( out_pixels,in_pixels,num_pixels * 4 ); }
unsigned char * map_5_to_8[32];
unsigned char * map_6_to_8[64];
#define POINTER_TO_GUINT16(a) *((unsigned short*)a)
#define RGB16_TO_R(pixel) map_5_to_8[pixel & RGB16_LOWER_MASK]
#define RGB16_TO_G(pixel) map_6_to_8[(pixel & RGB16_MIDDLE_MASK)>>5]
#define RGB16_TO_B(pixel) map_5_to_8[(pixel & RGB16_UPPER_MASK)>>11]
#define RGB16_LOWER_MASK 0x001f
#define RGB16_MIDDLE_MASK 0x07e0
#define RGB16_UPPER_MASK 0xf800
void RGB565_to_RGB888_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels,int num_pixels)
unsigned short in_pixel;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++)
in_pixel = POINTER_TO_GUINT16(in_pixels);
out_pixels[0] = RGB16_TO_R(in_pixel);
out_pixels[1] = RGB16_TO_G(in_pixel);
out_pixels[2] = RGB16_TO_B(in_pixel);
in_pixels += 2;
out_pixels += 3;
// ---
#ifdef xHAVE_MMX
#define LOAD_32(in) movq_m2r(*in, mm0); in += 8;\
movq_m2r(*in, mm1); in += 8
#define PACK_32_TO_24 movq_r2r(mm0, mm2);\
psrlq_i2r(8, mm2);\
movq_r2r(mm1, mm2);\
psrlq_i2r(8, mm2);\
#define WRITE_24(out) movq_r2m(mm0, *out); out+=6;\
movq_r2m(mm1, *out); out+=6;
#define WRITE_16(out) movq_r2m(mm0, *out); out+=8;
static mmx_t rgb32_l_mask; // Mask for the lower of 2 RGB24 pixels
static mmx_t rgb32_u_mask; // Mask for the upper of 2 RGB24 pixels
static mmx_t rgb32_r_mask; // Mask for the reds of 2 RGB32 pixels
static mmx_t rgb32_g_mask; // Mask for the greens of 2 RGB32 pixels
static mmx_t rgb32_b_mask; // Mask for the blues of 2 RGB32 pixels
static mmx_t lower_dword_mask; // Mask for the lower doublewords
static mmx_t upper_dword_mask; // Mask for the upper doublewords
void BGR8880_to_RGB888_mmx(unsigned char * in_pixels,unsigned char * out_pixels,int num_pixels)
int imax = num_pixels/4;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < imax; i++)
// ---
void initConverter( void )
#ifdef xHAVE_MMX
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) map_6_to_8[i] = (unsigned char)((float)i/63.0*255.0+0.5);
// for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) map_5_to_8[i] = (unsigned char)((float)i/31.0*255.0+0.5);
rgb32_l_mask.q = 0x0000000000FFFFFFLL; // Mask for the lower of 2 RGB32 pixels
rgb32_u_mask.q = 0x00FFFFFF00000000LL; // Mask for the upper of 2 RGB32 pixels
rgb32_r_mask.q = 0x000000FF000000FFLL; // Mask for the reds of 2 RGB32 pixels
rgb32_g_mask.q = 0x0000FF000000FF00LL; // Mask for the greens of 2 RGB32 pixels
rgb32_b_mask.q = 0x00FF000000FF0000LL; // Mask for the blues of 2 RGB32 pixels
--- NEW FILE ---
#ifndef __WSCONV_H
#define __WSCONV_H
#include "../../config.h"
#define PACK_RGB16(r,g,b,pixel) pixel=(b>>3);\
#define PACK_RGB15(r,g,b,pixel) pixel=(b>>3);\
typedef void(*wsTConvFunc)( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels, int num_pixels );
extern wsTConvFunc wsConvFunc;
extern void BGR8880_to_RGB555_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels, int num_pixels );
extern void BGR8880_to_BGR555_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels, int num_pixels );
extern void BGR8880_to_RGB565_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels, int num_pixels );
extern void BGR8880_to_BGR565_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels, int num_pixels );
extern void BGR8880_to_RGB888_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels,int num_pixels );
extern void BGR8880_to_BGR888_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels,int num_pixels );
extern void BGR8880_to_BGR8880_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels,int num_pixels );
extern void BGR8880_to_RGB8880_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels,int num_pixels );
#ifdef xHAVE_MMX
extern void BGR8880_to_RGB888_mmx(unsigned char * in_pixels,unsigned char * out_pixels,int num_pixels);
extern void RGB565_to_RGB888_c( unsigned char * in_pixels, unsigned char * out_pixels,int num_pixels);
extern void initConverter( void );
--- NEW FILE ---
#ifndef _MY_WSKEY
#define _MY_WSKEY
#define wsKeyNone -1
#define wsosbrackets '['
#define wscsbrackets ']'
#define wsomore '<'
#define wscmore '>'
#define wsq 'q'
#define wsa 'a'
#define wsz 'z'
#define wsw 'w'
#define wss 's'
#define wsx 'x'
#define wse 'e'
#define wsd 'd'
#define wsr 'r'
#define wsf 'f'
#define wsv 'v'
#define wst 't'
#define wsg 'g'
#define wsb 'b'
#define wsy 'y'
#define wsh 'h'
#define wsn 'n'
#define wsu 'u'
#define wsj 'j'
#define wsm 'm'
#define wsi 'i'
#define wsk 'k'
#define wso 'o'
#define wsl 'l'
#define wsp 'p'
#define wsc 'c'
#define wsQ 'Q'
#define wsA 'A'
#define wsZ 'Z'
#define wsW 'W'
#define wsS 'S'
#define wsX 'X'
#define wsE 'E'
#define wsD 'D'
#define wsR 'R'
#define wsF 'F'
#define wsV 'V'
#define wsT 'T'
#define wsG 'G'
#define wsB 'B'
#define wsY 'Y'
#define wsH 'H'
#define wsN 'N'
#define wsU 'U'
#define wsJ 'J'
#define wsM 'M'
#define wsI 'I'
#define wsK 'K'
#define wsO 'O'
#define wsL 'L'
#define wsP 'P'
#define wsC 'C'
#define ws0 '0'
#define ws1 '1'
#define ws2 '2'
#define ws3 '3'
#define ws4 '4'
#define ws5 '5'
#define ws6 '6'
#define ws7 '7'
#define ws8 '8'
#define ws9 '9'
#define wsSpace ' '
#define wsUp 0x52 + 256
#define wsDown 0x54 + 256
#define wsLeft 0x51 + 256
#define wsRight 0x53 + 256
#define wsLeftCtrl 0xe3 + 256
#define wsRightCtrl 0xe4 + 256
#define wsLeftAlt 0xe9 + 256
#define wsRightAlt 0x7e + 256
#define wsLeftShift 0xe1 + 256
#define wsRightShift 0xe2 + 256
#define wsEnter 0x0d + 256
#define wsBackSpace 0x08 + 256
#define wsCapsLock 0xe5 + 256
#define wsTab 0x09 + 256
#define wsF1 0xbe + 256
#define wsF2 0xbf + 256
#define wsF3 0xc0 + 256
#define wsF4 0xc1 + 256
#define wsF5 0xc2 + 256
#define wsF6 0xc3 + 256
#define wsF7 0xc4 + 256
#define wsF8 0xc5 + 256
#define wsF9 0xc6 + 256
#define wsF10 0xc7 + 256
#define wsInsert 0x63 + 256
#define wsDelete 0xff + 256
#define wsHome 0x50 + 256
#define wsEnd 0x57 + 256
#define wsPageUp 0x55 + 256
#define wsPageDown 0x56 + 256
#define wsNumLock 0x7f + 256
#define wsEscape 0x1b + 256
#define wsGrayEnter 0x8d + 256
#define wsGrayPlus 0xab + 256
#define wsGrayMinus 0xad + 256
#define wsGrayMul 0xaa + 256
#define wsGrayDiv 0xaf + 256
#define wsGrayInsert 0xb0 + 256
#define wsGrayDelete 0xae + 256
#define wsGrayEnd 0xb1 + 256
#define wsGrayDown 0xb2 + 256
#define wsGrayPageDown 0xb3 + 256
#define wsGrayLeft 0xb4 + 256
#define wsGray5 0xb5 + 256
#define wsGrayRight 0xb6 + 256
#define wsGrayHome 0xb7 + 256
#define wsGrayUp 0xb8 + 256
#define wsGrayPageUp 0xb9 + 256
#define wsKeyNumber 116
typedef struct
int code;
char * name;
} TwsKeyNames;
extern TwsKeyNames wsKeyNames[ wsKeyNumber ];
--- NEW FILE ---
#include "wskeys.h"
TwsKeyNames wsKeyNames[ wsKeyNumber ] =
{ wsq, "q" }, { wsa, "a" }, { wsz, "z" }, { wsw, "w" }, { wss, "s" }, { wsx, "x" },
{ wse, "e" }, { wsd, "d" }, { wsr, "r" }, { wsf, "f" }, { wsv, "v" }, { wst, "t" },
{ wsg, "g" }, { wsb, "b" }, { wsy, "y" }, { wsh, "h" }, { wsn, "n" }, { wsu, "u" },
{ wsj, "j" }, { wsm, "m" }, { wsi, "i" }, { wsk, "k" }, { wso, "o" }, { wsl, "l" },
{ wsp, "p" }, { wsc, "c" },
{ wsQ, "Q" }, { wsA, "A" }, { wsZ, "Z" }, { wsW, "W" }, { wsS, "S" }, { wsX, "X" },
{ wsE, "E" }, { wsD, "D" }, { wsR, "R" }, { wsF, "F" }, { wsV, "V" }, { wsT, "T" },
{ wsG, "G" }, { wsB, "B" }, { wsY, "Y" }, { wsH, "H" }, { wsN, "N" }, { wsU, "U" },
{ wsJ, "J" }, { wsM, "M" }, { wsI, "I" }, { wsK, "K" }, { wsO, "O" }, { wsL, "L" },
{ wsP, "P" }, { wsC, "C" },
{ wsUp, "Up" }, { wsDown, "Down" }, { wsLeft, "Left" },
{ wsRight, "Right" }, { wsPageUp, "PageUp" }, { wsPageDown, "PageDown" },
{ wsLeftCtrl, "LeftCtrl" }, { wsRightCtrl, "RightCtrl" }, { wsLeftAlt, "LeftAlt" },
{ wsRightAlt, "RightAlt" }, { wsLeftShift, "LeftShift" }, { wsRightShift, "RightShift" },
{ wsBackSpace, "BackSpace" },
{ wsCapsLock, "CapsLock" },
{ wsNumLock, "NumLock" },
{ wsF1, "F1" }, { wsF2, "F2" }, { wsF3, "F3" }, { wsF4, "F4" }, { wsF5, "F5" },
{ wsF6, "F6" }, { wsF7, "F7" }, { wsF8, "F8" }, { wsF9, "F9" }, { wsF10, "F10" },
{ wsEnter, "Enter" }, { wsTab, "Tab" }, { wsSpace, "Space" },
{ wsInsert, "Insert" }, { wsDelete, "Delete" }, { wsHome, "Home" },
{ wsEnd, "End" }, { wsEscape, "Escape" },
{ wsosbrackets, "[" }, { wscsbrackets, "]" },
{ wsomore, "<" }, { wscmore, ">" },
{ ws0, "0" }, { ws1, "1" }, { ws2, "2" }, { ws3, "3" }, { ws4, "4" },
{ ws5, "5" }, { ws6, "6" }, { ws7, "7" }, { ws8, "8" }, { ws9, "9" },
{ wsGrayEnter, "GrayEnter" }, { wsGrayPlus, "GrayPlus" },
{ wsGrayMinus, "GrayMinus" }, { wsGrayMul, "GrayMul" },
{ wsGrayDiv, "GrayDiv" }, { wsGrayInsert, "GrayInsert" },
{ wsGrayDelete, "GrayDelete" }, { wsGrayEnd, "GrayEnd" },
{ wsGrayDown, "GrayDown" }, { wsGrayPageDown, "GrayPageDown" },
{ wsGrayLeft, "GrayLeft" }, { wsGray5, "Gray5" },
{ wsGrayRight, "GrayRight" }, { wsGrayHome, "GrayHome" },
{ wsGrayUp, "GrayUp" }, { wsGrayPageUp, "GrayPageUp" },
{ wsKeyNone, "None" }
- Previous message: [Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: main/Gui/skin cut.c,NONE,1.1 cut.h,NONE,1.1 font.c,NONE,1.1 font.h,NONE,1.1 skin.c,NONE,1.1 skin.h,NONE,1.1
- Next message: [Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: main Makefile,1.66,1.67 configure,1.152,1.153 mplayer.c,1.239,1.240
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