[Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: main/libmp1e .cvsignore,NONE,1.1

David Holm dholm at telia.com
Sat Dec 8 13:41:59 CET 2001

Johannes Feigl wrote:

>Update of /cvsroot/mplayer/main/libmp1e
>In directory mplayer:/var/tmp.root/cvs-serv30614
>Added Files:
>	.cvsignore 
>Log Message:
>nice file
>--- NEW FILE ---
>Mplayer-cvslog mailing list
>Mplayer-cvslog at mplayerhq.hu

thanks, as all of you know I'm new to the concept of maintaining a clean 
CVS (truly I am, I had no idea how much work actually went into keeping 
the CVS as clean as mplayer's is). I know you think I mess things up, 
and yes, I do. But I'm thankful as long as you tell me what I'm doing 
wrong instead of flaming me, Arpi and I agreed on restricting my CVS 
access to libmp1e and my dxr3 code, so I shouldn't be able to break 
anything anymore though.

//David Holm

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