[Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: main/DOCS tech-eng.txt,1.3,1.4

Berczi Gabor gabucino at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Mar 18 17:01:16 CET 2001

Update of /cvsroot/mplayer/main/DOCS
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv10670/DOCS

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Log Message:

even more cosmetics

Index: tech-eng.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/mplayer/main/DOCS/tech-eng.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -r1.3 -r1.4
*** tech-eng.txt	2001/03/18 15:48:47	1.3
--- tech-eng.txt	2001/03/18 16:01:12	1.4
*** 52,56 ****
  3. mplayer.c - ooh, he's the boss :)
     The timing is solved odd, since it has/recommended to be done differently
! 	 for each of the formats, and sometimes can be done by many ways.
  	 There are the a_frame and v_frame float variables, they store the
  	 just played a/v position is seconds.
--- 52,56 ----
  3. mplayer.c - ooh, he's the boss :)
     The timing is solved odd, since it has/recommended to be done differently
! 	 for each of the formats, and sometimes can be done in many ways.
  	 There are the a_frame and v_frame float variables, they store the
  	 just played a/v position is seconds.
*** 59,68 ****
  	 When playing (a/v), it increases the variables by the duration of the
  	 played a/v. In video, it's usually 1.0/fps, but I have to mention that
! 	 doesn't really matters at video, for example asf doesn't have that,
! 	 instead there is "duration" and it can change per frames.
  	 MPEG2 has "repeat_count" which delays the frame by 1-2.5 ...
  	 Maybe only AVI and MPEG1 has fixed fps.
! 	 So everything works perfect until the audio and video are in perfect
  	 synchronity, since the audio goes, it gives the timing, and if the
  	 time of a frame passed, the next frame is displayed.
--- 59,68 ----
  	 When playing (a/v), it increases the variables by the duration of the
  	 played a/v. In video, it's usually 1.0/fps, but I have to mention that
! 	 fps doesn't really matters at video, for example asf doesn't have that,
! 	 instead there is "duration" and it can change per frame.
  	 MPEG2 has "repeat_count" which delays the frame by 1-2.5 ...
  	 Maybe only AVI and MPEG1 has fixed fps.
! 	 So everything works right until the audio and video are in perfect
  	 synchronity, since the audio goes, it gives the timing, and if the
  	 time of a frame passed, the next frame is displayed.
*** 111,116 ****
  	 The libmpeg2 is so unstable, that I can't believe it.
  	 Of course I don't mean it bullshit :) rather it only accepts
! 	 totally perfect, errorfree streams. If it founds error, it's
! 	 just a segfault ;) And don't start laughing, this is great this way,
  	 from the view of speed it would be 50-100% slower if stuffed full with
  	 verifications. That's why I solved it by running it in a separate
--- 111,116 ----
  	 The libmpeg2 is so unstable, that I can't believe it.
  	 Of course I don't mean it bullshit :) rather it only accepts
! 	 totally perfect, error-free streams. If it founds error, it
! 	 just segfaults ;) And don't start laughing, this is great this way,
  	 from the view of speed it would be 50-100% slower if stuffed full with
  	 verifications. That's why I solved it by running it in a separate
*** 122,130 ****
  		 compressed stuff into the child, which displays it.
  	 - shmem: the compressed data, and the uncompressed frames are both
! 	   in shared memory, so all 3 processes (mplayer, codeccontrol,
  		 libmpeg2 codec) sees 'em, so they can trade data fast.
  	 - FIFO is used for the communication between them.
  	 - If the child dies while decoding, the succesfully decoded data
! 		 isn't lost, they are inherited by the new child throught the
  		 shared mem! So only a little error can be seen in the video,
  		 it won't disappear or turn green, as in the older versions.
--- 122,130 ----
  		 compressed stuff into the child, which displays it.
  	 - shmem: the compressed data, and the uncompressed frames are both
! 		 in shared memory, so all 3 processes (mplayer, codeccontrol,
  		 libmpeg2 codec) sees 'em, so they can trade data fast.
  	 - FIFO is used for the communication between them.
  	 - If the child dies while decoding, the succesfully decoded data
! 		 isn't lost, it's inherited by the new child through the
  		 shared mem! So only a little error can be seen in the video,
  		 it won't disappear or turn green, as in the older versions.

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