[Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: homepage faq.html,1.4,1.5

Berczi Gabor gabucino at users.sourceforge.net
Mon May 14 01:17:32 CEST 2001

Update of /cvsroot/mplayer/homepage
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv19583

Modified Files:
Log Message:

porting questions added

Index: faq.html
RCS file: /cvsroot/mplayer/homepage/faq.html,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -r1.4 -r1.5
*** faq.html	2001/05/10 09:48:12	1.4
--- faq.html	2001/05/13 23:17:30	1.5
*** 132,138 ****
          package has different DLL set).<BR>
-         <b>Q: It wants to load l3codeca.acm, but I don't have such file.</b><BR>
-         A: You should use w32codec.zip from MPlayer FTP instead of avifile's pack!<BR>
-         <BR>
          <b>Q: ...... works with avifile/aviplay while doesn't with MPlayer...</b><BR>
          A: <i><b>MPlayer != avifile</b></i>. The only common thing between these 
--- 132,135 ----
*** 156,160 ****
          <b>Q: Are there rpm/deb/... packages of MPlayer?</b><BR>
          A: You can make a .deb package for yourself, check DOCS/DEBIAN.<BR>
! 	It's <B>strongly</B> discouraged to use binary packages
  	of MPlayer, since it (currently) <B>highly</B> depends on compile-time
  	options and optimizations!<BR>
--- 153,157 ----
          <b>Q: Are there rpm/deb/... packages of MPlayer?</b><BR>
          A: You can make a .deb package for yourself, check DOCS/DEBIAN.<BR>
! 	It's <B>strongly</B> discouraged to use precompiled packages
  	of MPlayer, since it (currently) <B>highly</B> depends on compile-time
  	options and optimizations!<BR>
*** 166,175 ****
          <b>Q: I've found a nasty bug when I tried to play my favourite video!! 
          Who should I inform?</b><BR>
!         A: Inform the MPlayer-users mailing list about your problem. <B>ALWAYS</B>
!         read the <A HREF="http://mplayer.sourceforge.net/DOCS/BUGREPORTS">BUGREPORTS</A>
! 	file about what information we NEED to identify your problem. 
! 	Use the developers addresses (specified in AUTHORS) only if you want to 
!         flame, or want to ask for a date (or contact chass for some bitching) 
!         ;)<BR>
          <b>Q: During 'make', MPlayer complains about X11 libraries. I don't understand, 
--- 163,167 ----
          <b>Q: I've found a nasty bug when I tried to play my favourite video!! 
          Who should I inform?</b><BR>
!         A: See <A HREF="http://mplayer.sourceforge.net/DOCS/BUGREPORTS">BUGREPORTS</A>.<BR>
          <b>Q: During 'make', MPlayer complains about X11 libraries. I don't understand, 
*** 279,282 ****
--- 271,285 ----
  	A: Those files probably have 48Khz audio, and your soundcard/driver can't play
  	it correctly. Audio downsampling isn't implemented in MPlayer (yet).<BR>
+ 	<BR>
+ 	<B>Q: I'd like to use/port MPlayer on/to my (insert your favourite architecture
+ 	here) on (insert your favourite OS here) . Is it possible?</B><BR>
+ 	A: No.<BR>
+ 	<BR>
+ 	<B>Q: But...!</B><BR>
+ 	A: No.<BR>
+ 	<BR>
+ 	<B>Q: And if MPEG is sufficient?</B><BR>
+ 	A: Maybe. But you better look for already existant MPEG players on that
+ 	platform.<BR>

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