[Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: main/libmpcodecs vd_xvid4.c,1.2,1.3

gaddo marco.gaddoni at teknolab.net
Wed Oct 6 23:22:35 CEST 2004

Arpi wrote:

>>Cosmetic only patches are easy to verify:
>>    cmp old.o new.o ;
>not, if the code is full of either configure-dependent or
>arch-dependent #ifdefs. you wont get the whole code
>compiled in the .o file...
true, a real problem. must be carefull

>also, gcc maybe does different optimizations depending
>on indentation :)

>>Some code  in  mplayer is really unreadable;
>>if you cant read the code you can't find the
>>bugs or improve ....
>if you can find and fix bugs, then you can read any code.
>if you cant read any code, then you're a beginner programmer,
>not a coder/hacker.
well, i dont want to be a hacker ...
i like when my pals use my code and dont
come to me asking what a particular function
do; it should be evident ..
And a lot of time and brain cells are saved
to play fish fillets ..

>anyway if you need different indent to be able to fix bugs,
>feel free to run 'indent' on it, then read it, but fix the
>bug in the original file...
if i dont run indent before fixing the bug do i get
more hakerz points? :-)

>A'rpi / MPlayer, Astral & ESP-team
>MPlayer's new image: happiness & peace & cosmetics & vmiklos
ciao, marco

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