[MPlayer-cvslog] [PATCH] GCC: Do not warn about unused paramters (was Re: r36944 - in trunk/gui/win

Ingo Brückl ib at wupperonline.de
Wed Feb 26 16:05:54 CET 2014

Alexander Strasser wrote on Wed, 26 Feb 2014 15:22:33 +0100:

>   BTW @ all:
>   Why don't we have -Wno-unused-parameter in CFLAGS?

>   I can hardly even think of a case where an unused parameter warning
> would be relevant. Also I cannot remember a single occasion where it
> mattered in practice.

An unused variable (besides one in a callback function that has a fixed
parameter list) is either a leftover or bad programming style (IMO).
I want to be informed about any junk lying around.

And for the mentioned callback functions something like mp_unused() would
indicate that not all of the parameters are relevant in this particular case
(while allowing the usage of -Wunused-parameter).

>   Adding the above mentioned flag eliminates 2000+ unused parameter
> warnings here if I did not mess up my measurements.

>   Patch attached.

No surprise, I object.


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