[MPlayer-dev-eng] seek patch for Arpi

David Holm dholm at telia.com
Thu Dec 27 23:42:43 CET 2001

Hi Arpi,
here is the patch as I promised. It is VERY simple and maintains proper 
cpu benchmarking. I ran it through all the testsuite codecs, but most of 
them was an anime clip without sound, so they weren't much use. The few 
ones that have sounds seems to sync properly. I also testran it against 
a few divx's and two mpeg2's I've got on my harddrive, and they as well 
seemed to sync just fine.
I hope this patch will go into cvs so I can commit the next dxr3 patch ;)...

//David Holm

P.S. It's a cvs diff
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