[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] vo_gl small change

Dmitry Baryshkov lumag at qnc.ru
Tue Dec 24 15:32:48 CET 2002

Hello all!
Arpi wrote:

>you should use -vo gl2 then, it's known to be fast with nvidia.
It's fast, but I wanted for -vo gl worked too.

>>But when FAST_BLIT was undefined, I got...17-20 fps !
>>So looking at gltest.c I wrote some code...
>>Use '-vo gl', or '-vo gl:f' to use old code, or '-vo gl:s' for enabling 
>>my code. All the difference, it that for drawing my code uses single 
>>glTexSubImage2D call, instead of per-line cycle.
>actually if we want it to be optional, it should be a numeric parameter,
>as slice height. the 'FAST_BLIT' version uses slice height == 1, while
>the blit-whole-frame mode uses slice height == image_height.
>maybe slice heiht 4 or 8 is even faster with some cards (needs experiment,
>actually the slice height should be the optimal compromise between register
>programming overload and the cpu time saved by DMA textured transfer)
>(the idea behind this FAST_BLIT hack is that while DRI/MESA is converting
>the pixels the card can do the DMA transfer of the previous line)
>there should be a loop like:
>  for(y0=0;y0<height;y0+=slice_height){
>     for(y=0;y<slice_height;y++){
>        // convert & blit lines (y0+y) .. (y0+y+slice_height-1)
>     }
>  }
Ok...Sorry for not answering before ... I was too busy with 
exams...suggeted patch will arrive in two or three days...



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