[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] mp3lame, etc moved to 'Encoders:'

Alex Beregszaszi alex at naxine.org
Wed Dec 25 20:41:06 CET 2002


> Here is what you may want A'rpi, not entirely sure which are correct,
> and which still need to be moved.  This includes a couple little case
> changes for some of them, I can do it again w/o those if need-be.
> Let me know what I've missed and I can try again... or if this part is
> commited, I can move forward with anything else.../S. Smith

I think if you are moving the encoders to a separate section using
the encmodules variable name, than the decoders should use a similar
naming style, e.g. decmodules. Else if there are encmodules and
codecmodules, there could be some missunderstanding.

Alex Beregszaszi  <alex at naxine.org>
(MPlayer Core Developer -- http://www.mplayerhq.hu/)

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