[MPlayer-dev-eng] Moving vobsub to libmpdemux ?

Felix Buenemann atmosfear at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Feb 26 20:31:16 CET 2002

On Friday, 22. February 2002 09:37, Alban Bedel wrote:
> Hi,
> it seem vobsub are demuxed. Now we can join demuxers, perhaps the vobsub
> demuxing can be moved to libmpdemux. So it can use sid and we have
> something at little more consistent. OggDS and another new format called
> MCF (I'm also plannig to add it) both support muxed subtitles (don't know
> in wich format), so it can be good for us to have a vobsub demuxer.
Hmm, I'm not sure about this, generally it's a good idea, but vobsubs are 
best stored completely in memory to minimize disk-io. I don't know if these 
conflicts with each other (eg. maybe just read original file into mem and 
demux from there, I'm not quite sure how current vobsub code handles it).
> 	Albeu

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- MPlayer Developer - http://mplayerhq.hu/ -

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