[MPlayer-dev-eng] PTS clarification

Arpi arpi at thot.banki.hu
Thu Feb 28 00:44:10 CET 2002


> > 
> > anyway, your sh_audio_t header must be ok (i_bps, o_bps, samplerate).
> I believe thats fine, its just raw 44khz PCM data, so I've set i_bps and o_b
> ps
> the same, as so:
>     sh_audio->i_bps = sh_audio->samplerate * sh_audio->samplesize/8 *
>                       sh_audio->channels;

samplesize is in bytes, not in bits !!!

> One other question is that at what point does it decide to duplicate a frame
> ?
2 points.
- when A-V pts starts drifting (it can be limited or disabled with -mc 0)
- when actual FPS from demuxer differs from requested output fps (-ofps)

> its cruising along reading video frames, then writes out duplicates when it
> sees a skip, how does it re-interleave them into the AVI file?   

A'rpi / Astral & ESP-team

Developer of MPlayer, the Movie Player for Linux - http://www.MPlayerHQ.hu

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