[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] version.sh date -r for BSD/OS

Steven M. Schultz sms at 2BSD.COM
Tue Jun 11 06:20:45 CEST 2002


> From: Felix Buenemann <atmosfear at users.sourceforge.net>
> Hmm, I think I'll rewrite version.sh completely, so it will first check os and
> then have a switch statement, to chooses correct command by os. Another 
> chance would be to completely integrate the script into configure, with the 
> disadvantage, that version string only changes, if configure is run.
> Or another idea would be to generate a small c prog that gets the date.

	Another idea would be to always use the 'date +%y%m%d-%H:%M' form.

	I've tested it on Linux, FreeBSD, and BSD/OS.  Perhaps someone who
	has a OpenBSD and NetBSD system could verify that it works there also
	(I think it will).

	Overall 'date +%y%m%d-%H:%M' seems to be very portable.

	Steven Schultz
	sms at 2bsd.com

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