[MPlayer-dev-eng] MplayerXP vs Mplayer. Hall of truth.

Daniel Egger degger at fhm.edu
Mon Mar 18 16:52:48 CET 2002

Am Mon, 2002-03-18 um 01.22 schrieb daniel carter:

> > Especially for your Celeron-266 the right idea would be to make sure
> > that there's enough data predecoded before running into a series of
> > frames where the CPU really needs power to decode them so the goal
> > should be to equalize the load over a bigger period of time (like maybe
> > 50-100ms) to ensure that slower CPUs have enough time to compensate
> > instead of dropping frames. This is exactly what you're trying with your
> > threads approach and it seems to work for this particular case but it's
> > not improving the situation in general.
> What would improve the situation in general then?

As I tried to point out the optimal solution would be to decode frames
in advance to flatten the cpu utilisation. This can be also implemented
without threads but if my reasoning is flawed I wouldn't mind being 

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